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Securing Windows Server 2016 (20744)

Course Description
This course teaches IT professionals how they can enhance the security of the IT infrastructure that they administer. This course begins by emphasizing the importance of assuming that network breaches have occurred already, and then teaches you how to protect administrative credentials and rights to ensure that administrators can perform only the tasks that they need to, when they need to.
This course also details how you can mitigate malware threats, identify security issues by using auditing and the Advanced Threat Analysis feature in Windows Server 2016, secure your virtualization platform, and use new deployment options, such as Nano server and containers to enhance security. The course also explains how you can help protect access to files by using encryption and dynamic access control, and how you can enhance your network’s security.

At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Secure Windows Server.
  • Secure application development and a server workload infrastructure.
  • Manage security baselines.
  • Configure and manage just enough and just-in-time (JIT) administration.
  • Manage data security.
  • Configure Windows Firewall and a software-defined distributed firewall.
  • Secure network traffic.
  • Secure your virtualization infrastructure.
  • Manage malware and threats.
  • Configure advanced auditing.
  • Manage software updates.
  • Manage threats by using Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) and Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS).
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Securing Windows Server 2016

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